Gameplay Experience

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New_Video_Game_Taxonomy/Facets/Gameplay Experience


Before we can get to style of play, an even more abstract question is, how is the gameplay presented?

Gameplay Experience

  • Linear: game has a specific beginning, middle, and end, with potentially limited replayability (Myst, Portal, Tomb Raider, Planescape)
    • Open World: game with linear play is set in an open world with a large amount of content to extend play time (Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Far Cry)
    • Multiple Endings: non open-world game has multiple endings based on player choice for added replay value
  • Looped: gameplay is meant to repeat, either by starting the game again, or by using similar levels/maps as the player progresses (most arcade games; CoD, Fortnite, Hearthstone, Civilization)
  • Open-Ended: game both allows player choice on how to play, and no specific end state (or no penalty if the player decides to ignore it) (Minecraft, MS Flight Simulator))